Savage Land Broadcasts

Yes that's right folks if you didn't know before you do now! The Beejmeister has unveiled a new player who will be joining the team this season.

Ahh get on with it Tom!

Don't spoil it Jerry....Morgrim Thunderfoot!

What's Beej signed this time? Not a snotling I hope.. we've already got a load of them camped out in the refreshment stand at the North Entrance of the playing field! Just imagine...a snotling named Thunderfoot!

No, far better Thunderfoot is a Bull Centaur!

A WHAT! How the hell did we manage to pull that one off?

Search me Jerry, but we have!

OK so that's good right??

Well if Unvicious doesn't cock it up for us then the Savages look like they're back on track!

Well its about time!

Thats it the bookies will NOT be pleased with Savages now!

Whats up Tom?

The Beej has only gone and sacked his entire cheerleading squad!


Yes thats right. Apparently, Da Slappas were discovered running an illegal drinking den from their dressing rooms...

What's wrong with that??

Whats wrong! WHATS WRONG!! They only went and almost killed four sideline refs and 3 ground staff!

I still don't see the problem!

They looted the Beej's secret stock room in search of h'ordurves!

And what did they steal?

All his Custard Creams!

Oh dear, naughty girls....

What on Earth is happening to the Savages Tom?

I just don't know Jerry!

Well, the beej had better pull his finger out or he won't have a team left!

Why what has he done now?

Well, Tom, it seems the Beej has decided to thin his team roster AGAIN by signing away Linemen Cassius Slay to the Pain Corporation!

What! Oh well its not too bad he was injured after all! I wonder what The Beej plans to fill the hole with?

I just don't know Tom we'll just have to wait and see! You know what he's like it'll probably be something CRAZY like always!