General Agility Strength Passing Kicking Psychological Physical
Block, Dirty Player, Flanker, Fend, Motion, Pass Block, Pro, Returner, Screen, Shadowing, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Tackle, Trip Catch, Diving Catch, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Right Stuff, Side Step, Sneaky Git, Sprint, Sure Feet Break Tackle, Grab, Guard, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Push, Stand Firm, Throw Team Mate Accurate, Bullet Throw, Dump Off, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Safe Throw, Strong Arm Chip Kick, Dirty Kick, Kick, Kick Off, Punt Bezerker, Blindside, Leader, Dauntless, Frenzy, Nerves of Steel, Big Hand, Claw, Ethereal, Extra Arms, Extra Leg, Foul Appearance, Horns, Hypnotic Gaze, Mace Tail, Prehensile Tail, Regeneration, Spikes, Stunty, Tentacles, Thick Skull, Toughness, Two Heads, Long Legs

General Skills

Block - A player with this skill does not fall down on a both down result on the block dice.

Dirty Player - A player with this skill has trained long and hard to learn every dirty trick in the book. A player with Dirty Player may add +2 to all Armour rolls when fouling.

Flanker - No opposing player may use the Guard skill or have the Guard skill applied to a block they are the instigator or target of when in the tackle zone of a player with Flanker. Flanker does not apply if the the player with Flanker is the target or instigator of the block.

Fend - Players may not follow up a block against a player with Fend unless they knock down that player.

Motion - A player with Motion may move up to three squares following resolution of a kickoff that their team has just kicked,

Pass Block - A player with this skill is allowed to move three squares when the opposing coach announces that one of his players is going to pass the ball. Pass Block may ONLY be used during your opponent's turn. This move is made out of sequence, after the range has been measured, but before any interception attemps have been made. However, the move may only be made if it allows the player to move into a position to attempt an interception, or to put the thrower or catcher in his tackle zone. The opposing coach is not allowed to change his mind about the passing the ball after the player with this skill has made his move. This special move is free, and in no way affects the player's ability to move in the following turn. Apart from this, however, the move is made using all of the normal rules, and the player does have to dodge in order to leave opposing players' tackle zones. The Shadowing and Diving Tackle skills may not be used against a player during his Pass Block move. You can Pass Block a Dump Off pass, but not a Custard Pie, Stick Bomb, Bombardier's Bombs, or a Hand Off. Only one player with Pass Block may move under the range ruler but not in the Tackle Zone of either the catcher or thrower. Any number of players with Pass Block may be moved into the Tackle Zone of the catcher or thrower. A player may use Pass Block to move into the Tackle Zone of a thrower using Throw Team-Mate or into a square adjacent to the one the player being thrown will land in. You may not Go For It on a Pass Block move.

Pro - A player with this skill is a hardened veteran. Such players are called professionals or Pro's by other Blood Bowl players because they rarely, if ever, make a mistake. Once per team turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll any one dice roll he has made (this included Dodge, Shadowing, or Interception rolls made during the opponent's turn) unless it is forbidden (like Spellcasting and Clan Axme card rolls). However, before the re-roll may be made, his coach must roll a dice. On a a 4, 5, or 6 the re-roll may be made. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, the original result stands and may not be re-rolled with a skill or team re-roll. The Pro skill may not be used to re-roll armour and injury rolls.

Returner - A player on the receiving team may use this skill when the ball has been kicked. It allows him to move up to 3 squares to the ball after the ball has been scattered but before it hits the ground (and bounces). All normal movement rules apply (such as dodging) with the exception that no Go For Its are allowed during this special move. Players set up on the Line of Scrimmage may not use this skill. This 3 square movement occurs after resolution of kickoff table result. Only one player may use this skill each kickoff and must be used to move towards the's ball landing square. This skill may not be used for a touchback kickoff and does not allow the player to cross the line of scrimmage into the opponent's half of the field.

Screen - Any player dodging from the tackle zone and to the tackle zone of a player on the same team with Screen may add a +1 bonus to their dodging roll.

Shadowing - The player may use this skill when an opposing player moves out of his tackle zone. Each coach rolls a dice and adds their player's movement allowance to the score. If the shadowing player's coach manages to beat OR tie the other coach's score, then he may move his player into the square vacated by the opposing player. He does not have to make any dodge rolls when he makes this move so Diving Tackle cannot be used against him. This move has no effect on his own movement in his own team turn. If the shadowing player's coach rolls less than to the other coach's score then his player is left standing. A player may make any number of shadowing moves per turn. A player with Shadow may follow a player has used Leap, but the player with Shadow will enter the square the opponent's player had occupied before the Leap. You may not Shadow a Pass Block move.

Strip Ball - A player with this skill forces any opposing player that he pushes back to drop the ball in the square that they are pushed back to, even if the opposing player is not knocked over. The ball will scatter one square. A player may only use Strip Ball if a PUSH BACK result is rolled on the block dice (this includes a PUSH BACK from the Dodge-Push Back/Knock Down result). The player with Strip Ball must choose whether to follow up or not before the ball scatters due to the Strip Ball skill. Strip Ball will knock the ball loose from a player with Stand Firm or Side Step if a PUSH BACK result is rolled on the block dice. A player with Strip Ball must choose whether or not to follow up before the ball scatters due to the Strip Ball skill. If a player has the Push skill and Strip Ball, the ball will still be scattered from the square that the player is pushed to (even though it is two squares away).

Sure Hands - A player with this skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to pick up the ball. In addition, the Strip Ball skill will not work against a player with this skill.

Tackle - Opposing players who are standing in this player's tackle zone are not allowed to use their Dodge skill if they attempt to dodge out of the player's tackle zone, nor may they use their Dodge skill if the player throws a block at them.

Trip - A player with this skill retains their tackle zone for the purposes of opposition dodging from the time they are placed face up until the first opportunity they have to stand up.

Agility Skills

Catch - A player with this skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to catch the ball. It also allows the player to re-roll the dice if he drops a hand-off or fails to make an interception.

Diving Catch - The player may use this skill if the ball was thrown to him and missed. It allows the player to move one square after the ball has scattered. This move is made after the ball has scattered, but before it hits the ground or can be caught. No dodge roll is required to make this move and this move may not followed by Shadowing or interrupted with Diving Tackle. If the move takes the player into the square that the ball is in then he is allowed to try and catch it. Although a player using Diving Catch ends up on the ground for a moment, because this is a controlled fall he will not be injured and he will almost instanly regain his feet. Therefore the player is not knocked over when he uses this skill.

Diving Tackle - The player may use this skill if an opposing player that is taking a move or blitz action leaves a square in his tackle zone. Place the player using this skill prone in the square that the opposing player has just left. The opposing player must subtract -2 from his Dodge roll. If the Dodging player has Stand Firm and fails his Dodge roll, the Diving Tackle player is placed prone in his own square. If a player is attempting to leave the tackle zone of several player that have the Diving Tackle skill, then only one of the opposing players may make a Diving Tackle.

Dodge - A player with this skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to dodge out of an opposing players tackle zone. However, the player may only re-roll one failed Dodge roll per team turn. In addition, the Dodge skill affects the results rolled on the block dice.

Jump Up - A player with this skill may stand up for free at the start of any action and does not have to pay three squares of movement but must take the rest of their action immediately. A player with Jump Up and a movement of 2 or less may use the Jump Up skill to ignore the "Timber" rules.

Leap - Leap may be used once per turn per a player. A player with the Leap skill is allowed to attempt to jump over an adjacent square, even if it is occupied by a knocked over or standing player from either team. Making a Leap costs the player two squares of his normal movement. The player must leap in a straight line. Normally no modifiers apply to this dice roll at all. If the player successfully make the dice roll then they make a perfect jump and may carry on moving. If the player fails the agility roll then he falls over in the square that he was leaping to, and the opposing coach may make an Armour roll to see if he was injured. A failed Leap counts as a turnover, and the moving team's turn ends immediately. You may exert to Leap, failure means you fall down in the square you were leaping to. A Leap does not ignore tackle zones and it is not a Dodge movement, so Tentacles may be used to stop a Leap but Tackle and Prehensile Tail may not. Leap moves can be Shadowed (see that skill for details).

Right Stuff - A player with this skill may be thrown by a player with the Throw Team-Mate skill. This skill may only be taken by players with a strength of 2 or less (however, if later the player becomes strength 3 or higher, they do not lose this skill). If a player with Right Stuff is thrown and does not also have the Stunty skill, the throw is made with a 2 band instead of a 1 band penalty.

Side Step - A player with this skill is an expert at stepping neatly out of the way of an attacker. To represent this ability, his coach may choose which unoccupied square the player is moved to when he is pushed back or knocked over after the pushback, rather than the opposing coach. Furthermore, the coach may choose to move the player to any adjacent unoccupied square, not just the three squares shown on the push back diagram. If there are no unoccupied squares adjacent to the player, Side Step may not be used.

Sneaky Git - A player with this skill can not be sent off while making a foul action unless they break the armour of their victim. This skill does not override special play cards.

Sprint - The player may attempt to move to three extra squares rather than the normal two. The coach must still roll to see if the player falls over in each extra square he enters.

Sure Feet - The play may re-roll the dice if he falls over when trying to move an extra square. This skill can only be used once per a turn per a player.

Passing Skills

Accurate - The player adds +1 to the dice when he passes the ball.

Bullet Throw - The player may throw the ball at extremely high speed at any player that is not in an adjacent square. Roll to see if the player is successful throwing the ball as normal. A Bullet Throw may not be intercepted or Pass Blocked. If the pass is successful, the player to whom the ball is thrown must make a successful Strength roll (agility roll using Strength) with a -2 modifier (ie 5+ for ST 3). If the modified roll is successful, the targeted player may attempt to catch the ball as though it was thrown to them. If the modified Strength roll is unsuccessful, the targeted player is nailed by the pass unaware and is knocked over. Make an armour roll straight away with one of the following modifiers for the distance of the pass: +2 for Quick Pass Range, +1 for Short Pass Range, 0 for Long Pass Range, -1 for Long Bomb Range. After hitting the targeted player, the ball scatters one square from the target player. Using the Bullet Throw skill will result in a turnover unless the Bullet Throw is caught by a friendly player or successfully hits a opponent who then fails the Strength roll. If the ball hits an opponent who then fails his Strength roll, it will not count as a turnover even though the ball then scatters one square.

Dump Off - This skill allows the player to make a Quick Pass when an opposing player declares that he will throw a block at him, allowing the player to get rid of the ball before he is hit. Work out the pass using the normal rules before the opposing player makes his block. The normal throwing rules apply, except that neither team turn ends as a result of the throw, whatever it may be. After the throw is worked out, your opponent completes the block, and then the turn carries on as normal. Dump Off passes may be Pass Blocked. Players with Dump Off and Strong Arm may NOT dump off passes to the Short range band. A Dump Off must be to a player within Quick Pass range (ie. you cannot just throw the ball away). You may not Dump Off pass to the crowd.

Hail Mary Pass - The player may throw the ball to any square on the playing field, no matter what range it is; the range ruler is not used. On a roll of 1, the player fumbles the throw, and the ball scatters once from the thrower's square. On a roll of 2+, the player may make the pass. The Hail Mary Pass may not be intercepted, but it is never accurate. The ball automatically misses and scatters three squares. The dice roll for throwing a Hail Mary Pass is modified by -1 per an enemy tackle zone on the player throwing the ball. Hail Mary Pass can not be used during the Blizzard weather condition.

Pass - A player with this skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he misses a pass.

Safe Throw - Roll a dice if a pass made by a player with this skill is successfully intercepted. On a roll of 4 or more, the interception is cancelled out.

Strong Arm - Reduce the range by one band (but never lower than a quick pass) when the player passes the ball. For example, a long pass is treated as a short pass, etc. Strong Arm affects the Bullet Throw skill, but may NOT be used with the Dump Off skill.

Strength Skills

Break Tackle - The player may use his strength instead of his agility when making a dodge roll. For example, a player with strength 4 and agility 2 would count as having an agility of 4 when making any dodge rolls.

Grab - A player with this skill may elect to push an opponent into any adjacent square following a block. Grab cannot be used in conjunction with Frenzy. Grab and Sidestep cancel each other out. Any player attempting to Leap into or from a tackle zone of a player with Grab has a -1 penalty

Guard - A player with this skill may assist an offensive and defensive block even if he is in another players tackle zone.

Juggernaut : A player may not use the Stand Firm skill when blocked by a player with Juggernaut. If a player with Juggernaut has moved at least one square on a Blitz action, the opponent is still pushed back on a both down result.

Mighty Blow - Add +1 to the armour or injury rolls made by a player with this skill. This skill may not be taken by players with a strength of 2 or less. This bonus can not be added to bonuses for Claw, or Razor Sharp Fangs.

Multiple Block - The player is allowed to make a block at two opposing players at the same time. The two opposing players must be adjacent to each other and adjacent to the player throwing the Multiple Block. Their strengths are added together and both suffer the effects of the block equally. Both sides may use assists normally. Dauntless and Piling On may be combined with Multiple Block (see other skill descriptions). Players targeted by a multiple block may not give assists for defensive. Players offensively assisting a Multiple Block cannot be in the tackle zone of two or more of the targets. Each player may only add ONE offensive or defensive assist to a Multiple Block.

Piling On - The player may use this skill after he has made a block, but only if the victim was knocked over and before dice are rolled for armour. The player falls on top of the player that he has just knocked down and may re-roll the armour roll for the victim. If this skill is used, do NOT add in extra bonuses for Claw or Mighty Blow. For obvious reasons, when a player used this skill he is knocked over as well and his move ends even if he has movement left or the Jump Up skill. However, do not make an armour roll for the player who is Piling On, as his fall is cushioned by the victim. The player who is Piling On is knocked over in his own square rather than that of his victim - it is assumed that he rolls back there after flattening his opponent. Piling On does not cause a turnover unless the Piling On player is carrying the ball. Piling On may be used against ONE of the knocked down targets of Multiple Block.

Push - A player with Push may push an opponent back two squares in the same direction instead of one on a pushback result on the blocking dice. A player may only use Push if the opponent will remain on the field as a result of the resolution of the block.

Stand Firm - A player with this skill is never pushed back as the result of a block. He may completely ignore PUSH BACK results from the block dice, and a KNOCK DOWN result always knocks the player over in the square he started in. A player with Stand Firm will still loose the ball from a PUSH BACK result from an opponent with Strip Ball.

Throw Team-Mate - A player with this skill may throw team-mates who have the Right Stuff. This skill may only be taken and used by players with a Strength of 5 or more. If the thrower fumbles, then the player being thrown is knocked over in starting square; no roll is made to see if lands on his feet and a turnover takes place. Pass may be used in conjunction with Throw Team-Mate, but no other Passing skills may be used. If you throw a non-Stunty/Titchy player that has Right Stuff, then he takes a two-band range penalty for the throw (short becomes long bomb, etc.). During the weather condition, Blizzard, you may still throw players with the Right Stuff up to the Short pass range, even if it is treated as a Long or Long Bomb pass.

Kicking Skills

Chip Kick - A player with this skill may move up to their remaining squares following after kicking the ball and resolving the distance and any catch attempts prior to the destination square as long as the kick is not a fumble.

Dirty Kick - A player with this skill may attempt to boot the ball into another player including players in adjacent squares. A Dirty Kick can only travel 1d6 squares and fumbles as normal but is otherwise accurate. A dirty kick may not be intercepted or pass blocked. The first player in line of the direction of the kick must make an ST roll with -2 modifier or be knocked down. If the ST roll is successful, the player making the roll may attempt to catch the kick as normal. If the ST roll is unsuccessful, the player is knocked down and suffers an AV roll -1 penalty. Using a Dirty Kick does not cause a turnover unless the ball is caught by a player from the opposing team.

Kick - A player with this skill may reroll a failed Kick.

Kick-Off - If this player is set up on the field when his team kicks off and is not in either wide zone or on the line of scrimmage, the player is allowed to take the kick-off. Because his kick is so accurate, the number of squares that the ball scatters on kick-off is halved rounding any fractions down (ie. 1=0, 2-3=1, 4-5=2, 6=3).

Punt - A player with this skill may kick the ball 3d6 squares.

Psychological Skills

Bezerker: A player with this ability may stand and block in the same action.

Blindside - A player with this skill knocks down an opponent on a both down result irrespective of either playing having Block. A player may not have Blindside and Block.

Leader - The player is a natural leader and inspires the rest of the team while he is on the field. Having such a player in the team allows the coach to take a Leader Re-Roll counter at the start of the match and at half time and place it on the Re-Roll track along with his Team Re-Roll counters. A team may only ever have one Leader Re-Roll counter, even if it has several players with this skill. The counter is used exactly the same way as a Team Re-Roll counter, but it may be used only if a player with the Leader skill is on the field (standing, prone, or stunned) at the time the counter is used.

Dauntless - A player with this skill is capable of psyching themselves up so that they can take on even the very strongest opponent. The skill only works when the player attempts to block an opponent who is stronger than himself. When the skill is used the coach rolls 2D6 and adds them together. If the total is greater than the opponent's strength value, then the dauntless player's strength is counted as being equal to his opponent's when he makes the block, before any bonuses for defensive or offensive assists are added. If the dice roll is less than or equal to the opponent's strength value, then the dauntless player must use his normal strength for the block. If the player with Dauntless has the Horns skill, the +1 bonus is applied (if applicable) after the Dauntless roll. A player with Dauntless may use this skill to try to match the summed strength of the targets of a Multiple Block. Dauntless rolls must be rolled before EACH block, including subsequent blocks thrown by a Frenzied player.

Frenzy - A player with the Frenzy skill must always follow an opponent up if they push them back. In addition, if a frenzied player pushes back an opponent without knocking them over, then they must follow up the opponent and then throw another block at them including if they push a player with Stand Firm or Side Step. Frenzy is not used with secret weapon attacks or any other kind of attack other than a straightforward normal block! (ie cannot be used with Multiple Block). Also note that if the second block pushes the opposing player back then the frenzied player must still follow up. A player with Frenzy is required to Go For It to throw the second block of a Frenzy if appropriate. A Frenzying player with Horns will receive a +1 on his ST for each of his blocks when blitzing if he moved at least one square before his first block roll. i.e. a Frenzied player will still get +1 ST on his 2nd block against a Stand Firm player if he moved at least one square before the first block. You must roll Foul Appearance and Avoid before each Frenzy block and a failed Foul Appearance/Avoid roll stops the Frenzy.

Nerves of Steel - The player may ignore opposition tackle zones when attempting to pass or catch a hand-off or pass. The team's formation must remain legal and any dodging must be undertaken as normal.

Physical Abilities [Special Rules apply for selecting these skills]

Big Hand - A player with one or more Big Hands does not suffer any modifiers for tackle zones when attempting to pick up the ball.

Claw - A player with Claw modifies the opposition AV to 7 following a successful block.

Ethereal: A player with this ability may attempt to pass through other players as if leaping. If the player fails, they remain in the square that they attempted to ethereal from and no turnover occurs.

Extra Arms - A player with one or more extra arms may add +1 to all his catch rolls. All opponents in the tackle zone of a player with Extra Arms suffer an additional -1 penalty on ball handling.

Extra Leg - The player may add +1 to any attempt to get the ball away when he kicks it. A player with Extra Leg does not have their dodging roll modified by an opponent with Trip.

Foul Appearance - The player's appearance is so horrible that any opposing player within three squares of him must subtract -1 from the dice when they pass or catch the ball (including hand-offs). In addition, any opposing player that wants to block the player must first roll a dice and score 2 or more. If the opposing player rolls a 1, he is too revolted to make the block and it is wasted (though the team does not suffer a turnover).

Horns - A player with this skill may use them to butt an opponent during a blitz. The player add +1 to his strength when he makes a block as part of a blitz. This skill may only be used if he has moved at least one square before he makes the block.

Hypnotic Gaze - This player has a powerful telepathic ability whih can be used to stun a player. The player may use his Hypnotic Gaze instead of a block (or blitz if he wanted to move before or after the gaze). On a 2+, the victim is hypnotized and loses their tackle zone for the rest of the team turn. If the roll of the dice is 1 then the Hypnotic Gaze has no effect. A hypnotized player may not perform ANY actions, give defensive assists, or prevent offensive assists. A hypnotized player may still intercept a pass.

Mace Tail - A player with this skill has grown a long, powerful tail covered with lumps and spikes which he can use to attack opponents, if he takes the time to size him up. During his turn, a player with this skill who has not moved may attack an opponent instead of throwing a block at an adjacent opponent. Both coaches roll a D6 and add their player's agility. If the score for the player with Mace Tail is higher, the opponent has been knocked down in the square he was standing (armour roll is made with a -1 modifier and any injury roll is made at +1.)

Prehensile Tail - The player has a long, thick tail which can be used to trip up opposing players. To represent this, opposing players must subtract -1 from the dice roll if they attempt to dodge out of the player's tackle zone.

Regeneration - A player with this ability cannot normally be killed or injured. Stunned and KO'd results on the Injury table are treated as normal. If the player is Badly Hurt, Seriously Injured, or Killed, then they are placed in the Dead and Injured box in the Dugout as normal. Before the next kick-off takes place (or at the end of the match if that comes first), the player may attempt to regenerate. On a roll of 1 or 2, the player suffers the effects of the injury as normal. On a roll of 3+, the player regenerates and should be moved to the reserves box in the dugout. A player who has attempted regeneration may not be cured by an Apothecary. Players may regenerate from the Injured in Practice special play card.

Spikes - Increase the players AV by +1 permanently.

Stunty - The player is so small that they are very difficult to tackle because they can duck underneath opposing player's outstretched arems and run between their legs. To represent this the player may ignore any enemy tackle zones on the square they are dodging TO (ie, they always end up with a +1 Dodge roll modifier)(other skills such as Prehensile Tail may change this). This ability does not apply if the player is armed with ANY secret weapon (such as a pogo stick or chainsaw), as the weapon slows the little fellow down and makes him easier to grab. In addition, any player with Stunty is a bit too small to throw the ball well, and so must increase the range by one band/category when they make a pass.

Tentacles - The player may attempt to use this trait when an opposing player attempts to leave his tackle zone. Each player rolls a D6 and adds their player's ST value to the score. If the result for the tentacled player is higher than the result of the moving player, then the moving player is held firm and may not leave the square or attempt to move any further. Failing the strength roll is not considered a turnover.

Thick Skull - Roll a dice if the player is KO'd. On a roll or 4 or more, the player shakes off the effects of the injury and is treated as a stunned result instead. The player may remain on the playing field and is placed face-down. On a roll of 3 or less, the player is placed in the KO'd Players box in the Dugout as normal.

Toughness - A player with Toughness does not have their AV modified in game by any other skill or event. The player is also immune to any skill that modifies the injury roll.

Two Heads - Add +1 to all attempts to Argue the Call for the team if this player is standing upright on the pitch

Long Legs - +1 to all attempts to intercept a pass, or to make a leap.